Make A Custom Scrollbar
cr: Finsweet
Build a custom scroll width, color and more using a simple javascript. You can also use Finsweet’s Chrome extension. The main code looks like so,
Width = Scrollbar width
Track = Progress bar
Handle = The draggable scrolling handle
Handle on hover = Color of the handle when you hover on it
Simply edit the values and paste it in the head code of your project settings
Webflow - Code to the Rescue
The Webflow Library for custom code snippets that unlocks powerful possibilities in Webflow. Includes hand-picked and tested custom code that you can use in Webflow Projects.
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About Ali Saeed
Ali Saeed is a Kuwait-based web designer and Webflow developer who has been working as a graphic designer for 4 years, building social brands, company profiles, and presentations. He recently jumped into web design and development. As a web designer, Ali focuses on clarity in design layout and messaging strategy. In his free time, he loves to help the web community, solve problems, and build resources for web designers who want to optimize their websites using Webflow.
Send an email if you'd like to collaborate :)
View his portfolio website